WEBINAR: Unpacking the NHED’s Proposed Overhaul of the ED 306 Administrative Rules

March 21st, 2024

At their February meeting, the NH State Board of Education voted to advance the NH Education Department’s proposed overhaul of the minimum standards for public school approval. According to Reaching Higher NH’s analysis, the overhaul, led by Commissioner Frank Edelblut, would have substantial implications for New Hampshire’s public schools and the students and communities they serve. 

RHNH held a webinar to unpack the newest proposal and its implications. Two public hearings are scheduled for the rules:

  • April 3, 2024: The first half of the rule proposal, which includes ED 306.01 through ED 306.25
  • April 11, 2024 (tentative): The second half of the rule proposal, which includes ED 306.31 through 306.49.

Both public hearings will be held at the NH Department of Education building, 25 Hall Street, Concord, NH. 

Five Key Takeaways

Reaching Higher NH has distilled the major takeaways into five key themes:

  1. Redefining the purpose and structure of school
  2. Hollowing out instructional requirements 
  3. Removal of local authority
  4. Lawmaking through rules
  5. Potential school funding implications


Check out our NEW PAGE for the Minimum Standards here: https://reachinghighernh.org/ed306/ 



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