WEBINAR: What’s Next for Child Nutrition Programs in NH, and What That Means for Public Schools

June 7th, 2022

Monday, June 13

4-5 p.m.

Register: bit.ly/childnutritionandschools

This meeting will focus on food security and changes in programming for New Hampshire’s students and families. We’ll be joined by Jessica Gorhan, Deputy Director at NH Hunger Solutions, to talk about changes in federal and state programming, opportunities for ensuring children have access to healthy food, and what these programs mean for school funding. 

This meeting is open to the public, but registration for the meeting is required.

If you have specific questions about the topic that you’d like to see covered, feel free to send them to me or email Christina at christina@reachinghighernh.org


Christina Pretorius, Policy Director at Reaching Higher NH: As Policy Director, Christina leads Reaching Higher NH’s policy efforts and strategy. As an alumna of New Hampshire public schools, she is passionate about ensuring that every child has access to a high-quality, just, and student-centered public education.

Jessica Gorhan, Deputy Director at NH Hunger Solutions: Jessica serves as Deputy Director for NH Hunger Solutions and is a facilitative leader who is passionate about improving the health of all people through creating access to healthy foods. She implements the Collective Impact Model to foster collaboration between community members, organizations, institutions, businesses, and government. The collaborative efforts of her work help improve access to federal nutrition programs and other food programs for all people in New Hampshire.