Our Services
Reaching Higher NH is a leading nonpartisan, nonprofit organization focusing on state level education policy. In an effort to advance our mission, we offer a variety of services to organizations whose missions align with our own and who seek to ensure that education policy in New Hampshire is fact-based and accessible, empowering all stakeholders to make informed decisions.
Policy Analysis
- Education finance
- School climate
- Social emotional learning
- Family engagement
- Standards, curriculum, and assessment
- Education innovation
- College and career readiness
- 21st Century skills
- Performance Assessment of Competency
- Data and impact analyses
- Stakeholder input sessions
- Focus groups
- Original data collection
- Primer presentations & trainings
- Reporting (formal briefs, presentations, backgrounders, public-facing accessible content)
Project Management
- Strategic advising and planning
- Resource mapping
- Work plan development
- Planning and facilitating meetings
- Town halls and community meetings
- Communications & social media trainings
- Focus groups
- Inclusive stakeholder engagement
- Technical assistance trainings for a range of stakeholders, including: School administration and School-wide
- Coalition-building and convening
...to provide all New Hampshire children with the opportunity to prepare for college, for immediate careers, and for the challenges and opportunities of life in 21st century NH, by serving as a public education policy and community engagement resource for New Hampshire families, educators, and elected officials.
Interested in working with us?
How can we help:
- Interested in understanding the fiscal impact of a proposed education bill?
- Need an infographic to better break down a policy for your stakeholders?
- Want to increase meaningful engagement and student outcomes in your community?
Contact us at staff@reachinghighernh.org.